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The Purpose

The purpose of the Circles is to explore the question: What wisdom do we have between us about how inner work contributes to systemic social change? Through a series of dialogues over the next 6-12 months, we will be exploring: 

  • What do we observe and understand about the linkages between inner work and social change? (e.g., anecdotal, theoretical, quantitatively measured, qualitatively understood)

  • What best practices do we have in common? (e.g., inner work practices, methodology, ways of seeing and addressing issues and building solutions, how we lead)

  • What common values do we all embrace?

  • What do our theories of change have in common?

  • What future research and collaboration opportunities exist?


Potential Outcomes

  • Consolidating our understanding about the pathways of how inner work affects people and unfolds into influencing systemic social change

  • Written articles with profiles or case studies

  • Developing and testing instruments for measuring inner wellbeing and its social impact

  • A collectively-designed set of principles or values and resources (tools, key studies) that can serve as guidance for other organizations interested in investing more intentionally in this intersection

  • Practice sharing among members

Circle of Wisdom


Networks with whom we are in early learning relationships and engaging Circle collaborators include: The Wellbeing Project, Global Grassroots, The Garrison Institute, The Presencing Institute Social Field Research Summer School, The Fetzer Institute, Synergos Inner Work for Social Change Initiative, and the Systems Transformation Mapping & Analysis WorkGroup.